Now, much of these instances can be attributed to things unrelated to the roleplay setting but of the server or community itself from which the setting is belonged to, however there is something to be said about the roleplay following of HL2 with new servers and communities frequently booting up. They were simply not long for Garry's Mod. The settings had their shimmer, their special moments and their uniqueness that made them enjoyable during their upbringing but in most cases these settings decayed into unpopularity and eventually dissipated entirely. These other settings I've indulged into range from themes of sorcery and wizardry to stark realism, alternate history and post-apocalypse.
Dick, and other foundations within the dystopic future genre of storytelling. Other worlds, other universes, other fantasies and realms quite beyond the spectacle of what we are accustomed to within the threshold of the Half-Life universe and all that we associate it with through inspiration of writing- Orwell, K.
In my time roleplaying HL2RP, I've also dabbled and explored other serious roleplay settings in Garry's Mod.